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Advanced Level

This course is designed for students aged 18 and above, who want to be on par with language and industry standards in terms of personal skills.

What We Provide

Platform To Express yourself

We provide a platform to every child so that they can express themselves in front of several students , teachers , guest lecturers and in events. Helping in removing the fear of child and be outspoken .

team work & tasks

We make sure that the Different Events , classroom tasks require team work  and help children include it in their life. At Advanced level , students get Gds, Picture Perception , Reasoning , GK , Quizes etc


At Advance Level, students start applying for govt jobs , other private jobs where interview is always reqd . ,we train our students through mock interviews. 


Helping children resolve their queries and get proper support of faculties , when needed.

Register Now and Get Access to the the Course

Syllabus Of The Advance Level

Advanced grammar

At Advanced Level , we teach advance grammar topics to the students .

Extra parental care

As the students of the advanced level are just entering the market of jobs , they require special attention , love,care, proper guidance  and mental assistance  .

regular tests 

Regular Tests are the way to measure the performance of the students and get an understanding of where they lack and need improvement .

Personality Development 

We start developing personality of our students early , so that they adapt and learn to be in society and standout.

Reviews of Advanced Course

"I really love the way ma'am teach us , I understood  everything very easily"


Additional Courses Available on Demand

Extra preparation courses like IELTS Exam  and other Competitive Exams preparation are available in our premises.

More Information , Contact Us.

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